Peeling The Onion

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Peeling The Onion

 Auteur: Co-Dependents Anonymous  Category: Brochure  ISBN: CODa-4021  Land: UK  Taal: Engels  Buy Now

Offers guidance in recognising how to make choices that support our recovery. Explores Characteristics of codependents revisited — codependents look at love, sex, & relationship addiction and avoidance.
The useful booklet contains:

• Patterns of Codependence: Extensive lists & a full 12 pages (more than the Big Book).

• An in-depth discussion of:

Relationship Addiction, Relationship Avoidance, Patterns of Codependence, Stages of Recovery

• A detailed comparison chart of Codependent Relationships vs. Authentic Relationships

• 11 full pages of brief Recovery Stories: (Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries; I Keep Coming Back, et al.)

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